Trust Me They’re Delicious!

Today I’m sharing my favorite secret recipe for smoked BBQ redfish fish tacos. They’re moist, juicy, delicious, packed with flavor, and simple to make. But first we have to catch a redfish!

Fish tacos are a delicacy to most who have tried them. And if you’ve never tried smoked redfish done this way, with a hint of special BBQ sauce, all on a warm tortilla, well, then, let’s just say you’re not living!

This morning I got a hankering for fish tacos and when, I looked in the fridge, wouldn’t you know it, I was missing a few ingredients. So I loaded the kayak on the truck and stop number one was to the marsh to get the main ingredient, a redfish. Then it was on to the grocery store for a few required (beverage) items. And finally, home to the smoker and a meal to die for.

We’ll cook the filets two ways, and also the throat….which is the “chicken wing” of a fish, or sometimes called “saltwater quail”, or the collar.

So come along on the journey as I satisfy my hankering and give away the groceries so to speak! Yes, I’m sharing my super secret “Moist, Juicy, Smoked BBQ Redfish Tacos” fish taco recipe (say that ten times fast)! Try them out and see if they’re not the best fish tacos you’ve ever had! But of course, you’ve got to catch the main ingredient yourself! This is a catch and cook episode!

~Kayak Fishing Addict


My name is Ron. I’m “Kayak Fishing Addict” on YouTube! I was bit by the kayak fishing bug and I’ve been addicted ever since. This is my blog where I discuss everything about my kayak fishing adventures, including the backstory. I’ll share what fishing lures I use, the types of fish I catch like redfish, speckled trout, and flounder, how I film, and what I encountered in the marsh. You’ll get all of my kayak fishing catches, tips, and tricks that you can use to put more fish in the boat!

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