What Are The Top Soft Plastics For Redfish, Spotted Sea Trout, and Flounder?

Today we’re fishing the top soft plastic bait for redfish, speckled trout, and flounder! There are so many soft plastics on the market that it makes it difficult to choose the right ones to put fish in the boat. I’ll introduce you to two of the top soft plastic baits that you’ll want to have in your tackle box, the two top soft plastic baits that the fish can’t resist!

Well it rained something fierce today. But there was a break in the rain in the early afternoon and I decided to put the kayak in the water and see what we could catch. Kayak fishing is sometimes that way. You just have to take what the weather brings and fish the conditions. I’m very glad I got out though, because as you’ll see in this video, it was a good day on the water. The conditions were not normal for early afternoon. In fact, it was eerily calm! That’s one reason why I chose to use that second soft plastic bait …but I explain all of that in the video.

~Kayak Fishing Addict

DOA Lure Co.

H&H Lure Co.

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My name is Ron. I’m “Kayak Fishing Addict” on YouTube! I was bit by the kayak fishing bug and I’ve been addicted ever since. This is my blog where I discuss everything about my kayak fishing adventures, including the backstory. I’ll share what fishing lures I use, the types of fish I catch like redfish, speckled trout, and flounder, how I film, and what I encountered in the marsh. You’ll get all of my kayak fishing catches, tips, and tricks that you can use to put more fish in the boat!

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