In this video I’ll show you a few tips and tricks that I use to fish a new marsh. Why fish an unfamiliar marsh? Because every once in a while you just have to challenge your fishing prowess. One way I do that is by going to unfamiliar marsh systems and seeing if I can put fish in the boat. That’s the ultimate litmus test!

I’m calling this new marsh system the Ormond Beach North marsh because it’s north of the Highbridge Park Boat Ramp and thus its just north of Highbridge itself. It’s close to the Flagler Beach water tower that you’ll see in some of the footage and just southeast of Gamble Roger’s state park. It’s actually a great marsh to fish and after watching the video you’ll see why I can’t wait to go back.

The Backstory

Boy, this one was a little bit tricky to film. Please let me explain.

The majority of this video was shot on the first trip to this marsh, but some of the drone footage and b-roll was shot on a second day. Members of the YouTube channel see that I’m wearing different clothing in some of the Members Only video and that’s why. In the video itself, in some of the footage, like when I travel under Highbridge, the water is calm, but then it’s suddenly rough, like the close up of the shipwreck. That’s how different it was between the two days. I don’t typically like to mix footage like that but sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. Let me know in the comments if you noticed that when you watched the video the first time.

Also, my back camera boom was not locked into place like it normally is. And wouldn’t you know it, I land a nice fish with the camera being shifted to the side. It was fortunate that while trying to land that fish I ran into a bush that just happened to kick the camera boom back to straight. Did you notice that one? You can see it as it happens in the video itself.

Although it was super windy, which makes it challenging to get good audio and even more challenging to fly a drone, it was a great marsh system to explore. I’m definitely going back! There are so many little pocket islands there to fish I was amazed!

Tight lines,

~Kayak Fishing Addict


My name is Ron. I’m “Kayak Fishing Addict” on YouTube! I was bit by the kayak fishing bug and I’ve been addicted ever since. This is my blog where I discuss everything about my kayak fishing adventures, including the backstory. I’ll share what fishing lures I use, the types of fish I catch like redfish, speckled trout, and flounder, how I film, and what I encountered in the marsh. You’ll get all of my kayak fishing catches, tips, and tricks that you can use to put more fish in the boat!

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