Here are two tips to catch more fish! Not only will I share these tips that regularly put more fish in the boat for me, but I’ll also demonstrate with several catches of multiple species that these tips truly work! It’s almost guaranteed that if you follow these tips during the summer months, you will catch more fish!

Can you feel it? Yep, that’s heat and humidity. The summer months are upon us! The fish can tell it’s summer too! Just like us, they can feel it. So when the temperature and humidity rises, I employ two tips that allow me to catch more fish. That was certainly true today as I went out and landed four fish on a day when other kayakers weren’t landing any. Two of the fish were large for their species, with one measuring over slot. I routinely use both of these tips, especially during this time of year and they seem to never fail at catching fish!

The Backstory

So, if you followed the backstory behind my last video you’d know that this was actually supposed to be that video. It’s an interesting tale that I encourage you to read first so that you’ll understand.

So, I set out once again to film this video. I’m glad that I did. I left early in the morning for me, but still not at the crack of dawn. That said, I thought I’d throw some topwater before I got into the two tips. I did, and I got two hits, but I didn’t land either fish. Topwater is a great way to start off the day though.

So then I decided it was time to kick the video off. Unfortunately, the on the water tips weren’t as fluid as I would like them to be. That’s no problem. Once I got home and reviewed the footage, I enacted plan B. Plan B was to head back out to the marsh a few days later to film the scenes where I give the tips. I simply put back on the same garb, after washing it of course, and filmed the tip scenes in front of the truck. I kind of like the change of setting between fish catches, don’t you? I think it makes it more cinematic.

All in all it was a great day of fishing. Four fish landed, two misses, and I ran into three subscribers. One of them purchased my same kayak! I guess Hobie owes me another one!

You can shop my tackle and gear at a discount here!

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If you’re interested in my Hobie eyewear, you can save 20% by clicking this link and using code KFAHOBIE21 at checkout!

Tight lines everyone! Enjoy the video! And by all means, “Fish On!”

~Kayak Fishing Addict


My name is Ron. I’m “Kayak Fishing Addict” on YouTube! I was bit by the kayak fishing bug and I’ve been addicted ever since. This is my blog where I discuss everything about my kayak fishing adventures, including the backstory. I’ll share what fishing lures I use, the types of fish I catch like redfish, speckled trout, and flounder, how I film, and what I encountered in the marsh. You’ll get all of my kayak fishing catches, tips, and tricks that you can use to put more fish in the boat!

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  • Hi! I just recently found your youtube channel. And of course, I had to subscribe. I enjoy your content and presentation. I sure you have tons of people asking to fish with you at any given time, but thought I'd ask anyway. I'll be in Daytona July 21-26 and have previously rented a kayak at Salty Dawg Outfitters at HighPoint Bridge for fishing. If you plan on fishing that area and would like company, please let me know!


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